Ultrasonic Sensor Sweeper with Servo and Arduino Code

This guide uses the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Sensor mounted on a 9g type servo motor. The guide also features the servo and sensor bracket kit that is available to buy. Also, I include the Arduino code that will demonstrate the sensor sweep functionality. To follow this guide you can use any servo and sensor bracket you have to make use of the Arduino code below.

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360 Degree Mod for Servo Continuous Rotation – Guide

In this feature, I am going to do a 360 degree mod on a micro servo motor for continuous rotation. I go through the modding step by step with clear pictures of the conversion process. Also, Python code will be included to drive the servo 360 degrees from the Raspberry Pi. Continue reading “360 Degree Mod for Servo Continuous Rotation – Guide”

Micro Servo 9g – Raspberry Pi Servo Motor Python Code Test

In preparation for a future project, I’m taking a close look at the Micro Servo 9g I bought from Ebay some time ago. So, to build the servo motor into a project, I require electrical specifications, wiring diagram, drawings with dimensions, 3D CAD model, and also test code for Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Continue reading “Micro Servo 9g – Raspberry Pi Servo Motor Python Code Test”