Arduino Port Access & Bitwise Op. using Simple Robot Controller

In this article, we look at how to access an Arduino port to read or manipulate a group of pins in C code. We use bitwise operators to read, set and invert bits in variables and device registers. To help with this feature, we will use a simple robot controller to demonstrate how we might use port manipulation. I include, for example, Arduino test code and illustrations of bitwise operations. Continue reading “Arduino Port Access & Bitwise Op. using Simple Robot Controller”

Multithreading Raspberry Pi Game Controller in Python

Multithreading on the Raspberry Pi is an excellent way to keep the main thread of your program running as efficiently as possible. To demonstrate, I show how you can move game controller polling routines to a separate thread. Find the Python example code for robot control at the end of this feature. Continue reading “Multithreading Raspberry Pi Game Controller in Python”

Object Detection and Tracking with OpenCV and Python

In this feature, I look at what it takes to setup object detection and tracking using OpenCV and Python code. Using the code snippets included, you can easily setup a Raspberry Pi and webcam to make a portable image sensor for object detection. Continue reading “Object Detection and Tracking with OpenCV and Python”

Robot Control with Raspberry Pi and Python

To get my Raspberry Pi robot moving, I need a wireless robot control system. So, in this article, I connect a game controller to the Raspberry Pi and use Python programming to manage the input commands. Included, is a controller button-ID map and Python base-code to translate controller inputs. Continue reading “Robot Control with Raspberry Pi and Python”